glada människor

I´ll pretend, Im okay with it all.
I woke up today
Woke up wide awake
In an empty bed
Staring at an empty room
I have myself to blame
For the state I'm in today
And now dying
Doesn't seem so cruel
And oh, I don't know what to say
And I don't know anyway
I hate myself for losing you
I'm seeing it all so clear
I hate myself for losing you
What do you do when you look in the mirror
And staring at you is why he's not here?
Woke up wide awake
In an empty bed
Staring at an empty room
I have myself to blame
For the state I'm in today
And now dying
Doesn't seem so cruel
And oh, I don't know what to say
And I don't know anyway
I hate myself for losing you
I'm seeing it all so clear
I hate myself for losing you
What do you do when you look in the mirror
And staring at you is why he's not here?
Som det verkar som, så fick jag mitt 3:dje missfall i lördags. Lyckat.
Sov gott, vår älskade klara. Du är saknad.

we're always now or never
So I close my eyes and go back in time
I can see you smiling, you’re so alive
I close my eyes and go back in time
you were just a child then, and so was I
we were so young, we had no fear
we were so young, we had no idea
that nothing lasts forever
nothing lasts forever
nothing lasts
nothing lasts
you and me together
were always now or never
I can see you smiling, you’re so alive
I close my eyes and go back in time
you were just a child then, and so was I
we were so young, we had no fear
we were so young, we had no idea
that nothing lasts forever
nothing lasts forever
nothing lasts
nothing lasts
you and me together
were always now or never
En annan variant
Jag har som vana att lägga täcket över dottern innan jag somnar själv. Det är någonting jag alltid gör. Jag kan inte heller sova när när jag inte hör hennes andetag. Högt och tydligt, det är så jag behöver höra dom. Jag vågar inte flyga med dottern, jag lever konstant med tankar som att flygplanet kommer att krascha eller någonting av samma variant. Jag berörs knappt av tanken, av att jag någon dag skulle råka ut för en olycka. Men jag bryter ihop av tanken, att stina skulle få en sticka i fingret. Helst vill jag ha henne inlåst i ett rum, där ingen variant av fara kommer åt henne. Jag lever kontant i en oro. Rädd för att förlora det jag håller som mest kärt. Min underbara ängel, hela mitt liv.